6D of Health

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Your lifestyle may be killing you

Most diseases that kill us today are known as lifestyle conditions. The diseases of the modern developing world are a result of our choices (smoking, drinking, and eating) and maybe something more profound – something more intangible.

Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer account for 90% of deaths in the UK, and 70% of deaths and disabilities in the developing world, these diseases end 31 million lives each year.

This is a tragedy for those struck by the suffering that these statistics suggest. The loss and pain of diseases are life restricting before they are life ending. Imagine the 14.1 million new cases of worldwide cancer, each of those people receiving the devastating news. Each person facing mortality but also facing potentially life altering treatments designed to aid survival.

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The known area of physical health

Now imagine the family of the 17.7 million people who die from cardiovascular disease. This can sometimes be sudden and without obvious warning, a loved one gone. And sometimes the heart and respiratory system may slowly decline, with your loved one becoming a living ghost.

The cost to our global society for the rising cases in cancer alone is £18.3 billion. The cost to our soul and spirit are beyond value.

It is time to take a more serious approach to your health and lifestyle. For your own sake, for the sake of your loved ones, and for the wider good of society.

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There is something solid and secure about viewing the increase in disease in modern times as a direct correlation to lifestyle choices. It is the domain of health where we can most clearly see the cause and consequences of our choices. The devastating impact of free radicals and oxidation on our cells can be linked to food, alcohol, and tobacco. Therefore, you stop the intake of these ingredients and the biological machine of our body provides a different outcome.

But there are 6 domains of health. The body is only one of three concepts that impact on our wellbeing. There is also the spirit and the soul. We are spiritual beings and we experience life beyond the physical limits of our body. Therefore, the impacts of the physical, the social, our family and our emotions are vital – and well understood – the influence of the spiritual and the mental are less well explored.

The current approach to health and medical practice is dominated by a biopsychosocial model.

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Our physical body, our emotional state and our relationship with others are part of a limited view of our wellbeing. We need to reach further and understand the spiritual and mental domains of health that could compliment and help us move beyond such limiting conceptualisations.

The focus on the domain of spirituality is more than just a belief that a patient can better cope with illness and potential impending death due to a sense of belief in something greater. There is much research to suggest that care of spirit can promote healing but also prevent poor health in the first place. For instance, spirituality, the pursuit of increased consciousness and cognition, is seen as one of the four pillars of prevention for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Research across the globe has proven that focus on spiritual wellbeing can become an important factor in health maintenance and disease prevention.

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The 6D Of Health book by Dr James Alegbeleye explores current knowledge of health in all 6 domains. It is based on the triune concept of human existence: the spirit, the soul, and the body. Dr Alegbeleye shares research that is only available to those in the medical profession, research that focuses on all preventative solutions. It offers the promise of a disease-free existence in a world where disease has sky-rocketed to devastating levels.

The roots of certain diseases are not of the body but of the spirit. The 6D Of Health searches for understanding of this spiritual element, presenting research from medical, holistic and spiritual experts. The book strives for a better understanding of how to prevent such diseases but also to offer a more rounded therapy, which could prevent suffering and potentially untimely death.

Current models of medicine tend to ignore the spiritual and the mental. This is because it is a difficult area for further research. Dr Alegbeleye believes that difficult answers should not be ignored. He believes his book: The 6D Of Health can offer the knowledge, skills and insights needed to pursue a much healthier and fulfilled life.

The book explores all the basic knowledge of health in all 6 domains. It is a starting point, a beginning to the journey for greater understanding. By starting this journey, we could render current models of health obsolete.

It is the start of a revolution, of our journey towards a healthier, fulfilled and long life.
