Chronic diseases and its easy way to prevent - 6D of Health

6D of Health


So how do we prevent the rise of chronic diseases? While some chronic diseases do have the risk of being hereditary, medical research is yet to say with certainty whether our genetics can be a major cause of chronic disease.
While it’s probable that it does increase your chances, your lifestyle and environment play an important factor as well. Therefore, one of the best ways to protect yourself from the risk of chronic disease is to stay fit, active and to keep a balanced diet. Leading a healthy lifestyle means more than looking after your physical health though as many chronic diseases are mental conditions. It is important that you learn how to take charge of your health in various domains – physical, mental, emotional, familial, social and spiritual health.
Being active and taking regular exercise can also help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression as well but it’s also important to stay positive and indulge in your hobbies too. It’s all about having a good balance of everything that makes up your lifestyle including diet, work, exercise, recreation etc. Even if you do suffer from a chronic disease changing your lifestyle habits can help you control it to the best of your abilities.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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